I promise to love, honor and cherish you — for about two days a month.
Přečíst celý »Becky Pedigo: Support Inter-Racial Dating
It’s America, not a load of laundry — no need to separate the white and the colors.
Přečíst celý »Barry Lank: Do Something You Enjoy
Somebody told me the best way to meet women is to do something you enjoy — right away, you have something in common. So, I’ve spent the past year smoking dope and watching television.
Přečíst celý »Ardal O’Hanlon: Two Types of People
There are two types of people in the world: there are those who have lots of casual sex with strangers — and there’s jealous people.
Přečíst celý »Ardal O’Hanlon: More Dignified Than Sex
Surely, there must be a more dignified way to express your love and admiration for another human being — like baking them a cake or something, or just leaving them alone for a while.
Přečíst celý »Anthony Szpak: Sorority Girls
I love college girls. The only girls I date in college, though, are sorority girls. Why? Because they’re dumb. You can trick them so easy. ‘I’m your boyfriend.’ ‘Oh my God! Let’s have sex!’
Přečíst celý »Anita Wise: On Getting Married
I was asked once. We actually set a date. I knew he wasn’t committed because he only penciled it in.
Přečíst celý »Anita Wise: Keep your Hopes Up
I think the thing to remember when you’re looking for true love is just keep your hopes up. ‘Cause you never know, you could round a corner and bump into Mr. You Might Do.
Přečíst celý »Amy Barnes: Weird Being Single
I’m single now. And it’s really weird for me to be dating again because, for the last three years, I’ve just been cheating.
Přečíst celý »Alonzo Bodden: Psycho Chicks
I like psycho chicks…. Yeah, you hook up with a psycho, you’re gonna learn something. First thing you learn is how to sleep with one eye open.
Přečíst celý »