Friday , March 7 2025

Julia Sweeney: A Question for God

Who had the biggest, creepiest, deadliest bug crawling on them without them even knowing it, and then the bug almost stings them, but for whatever reason doesn’t sting them and crawls off them and only you know about it?

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Jimmie Roulette: Dumb Animals

If you think about the animals we do eat, we only eat the dumb ones. Our three main meats are what? Cows, fish, chickens — all animals, I’m pretty sure, if they could talk, you could trick them into killing themselves.

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Jimmie Roulette: Crushing Power

Pit bull, that’s my dog of choice right there. I told my wife about it. I thought pit bulls had, pound for pound, the most crushing power in their jaws of any animal. She watches the Discovery Channel, told me that’s not true. No, the animal with the most crushing …

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Jim Short: On the Crocodile Hunter

The snake jumps up to bite him; he blocks it away. He looks up and he goes, ‘Oh, he’s grumpy today.’ Yeah, he’s grumpy because you’re banging him in the head with a stick. That’s the number one cause of grumpiness.

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Jeff Stilson: Linguistics

I’ve always found the study of language intriguing. I had a linguistics professor who always said, ‘It’s man’s ability to use language that makes him the dominant species on the planet.’ I wouldn’t go that far. I think what sets us apart from other animals is that we aren’t afraid …

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