Herman and his brother, Trevor live on a farm in Texas. One day Trevor rides on his bike into town and he sees a building on fire, so he goes back home and tells his brother, “Herman, Herman there is a fire and people are getting burned!”
His brother says “Oh, that was on the radio — that’s old news.
So Trevor rides back into town and he sees a bank beeing robbed, so he rides back home and says “Herman, Herman there is bank being robbed and people are getting shot and killed!”
His brother says, “Oh that was on the radio — that’s old news.”
So Trevor rides back into town and he sees a pig stuck in a fence and starts to thinkin’… Then he rides home and says, “Herman Herman! I had my first sequal experince today!”
His brother says, “In a pig’s ass,”
And Trevor replies, “Oh, you and your stupid radio.”