A farm boy who had just finished his schooling on the farm, was sent by his Ma and Pa to the big city to go to college. The first thing the boy does when he gets to town, is go to find a whorehouse. He goes inside to talk to …
Přečíst celý »This Chicken Ain’t Chicken
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: He freakin’ felt like it!
Přečíst celý »Thirsty whale
What did the thirsty whale do? Bit the tail of a submarine and sucked out all the seamen.
Přečíst celý »Think Outside the Box
Q: A man rides in on Friday, stays two nights three days and then leaves on Friday. How is that possible? A: His horse was named Friday.
Přečíst celý »There were two blondes at the park…
There were two blondes at the park. One says, “Look at that dead seagull over there.” And the other looks up and says, “Where?”
Přečíst celý »There she blows
Q: What do you give an elephant with diarrhea? A: Lots of room.
Přečíst celý »Thee You In The Moth Pit
Why do moths fly with their legs open? Cause they’ve got huge mothballs!
Přečíst celý »The Young and The Scalpless
Why didn’t the Indians scalp brunettes? The hair from a buffalo’s butt was more manageable.
Přečíst celý »The Wrong Part of Town
Q: Why did the duck travel to a dangerous neighborhood? A: He wanted to buy some quack.
Přečíst celý »The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers
Q: Why doesn’t Tigger have any friends? A: He plays with Pooh
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