What kind of a car does a proctologist drive? A brown Probe!
Přečíst celý »Pretty Hair
A guy admired the hair of three girls. He walked by one and asked, “How’d you get such lovely blonde hair” Taking her hand and gently running it through her hair, the girl answered, “It’s natural.” The guy walked by the second girl and asked, “How’d you get such pretty …
Přečíst celý »Poor Fly
Q: What went through the fly’s mind as he hit the windshield? A: His butt.
Přečíst celý »Plumber’s Job
Q: What does a plumber need to know about his job?A: Sh*t runs downhill and payday is on Friday.
Přečíst celý »Paul Nardizzi: Not Cutting the Umbilical
I’m not gonna cut the cord. I mean, babies get mixed up or even stolen from hospitals all the time. This is obviously the best way to prevent it. What better way to prove it’s your kid than to make sure it’s still connected to you? Believe me, I raised …
Přečíst celý »Pantyhose
Q: How can you tell if a woman is wearing pantyhose?A: Her ankles swell up when she farts.
Přečíst celý »OSU
An Ohio State University mortician student walked into the embalming room where a cadaver was lying on the table. Confident that he knew enough now to begin the procedure without his instructor, he began to examine the body. When he rolled it over, he was shocked to see a …
Přečíst celý »One Clean Joke, Two Dirty Jokes
Want to hear a dirty joke? A man fell in the mud. Want to hear a clean joke? He took a bath with bubbles. Want to hear another dirty joke? Bubbles was his neighbor.
Přečíst celý »Obese Michigan Mammas
How do you get a Michigan girl into an elevator? Grease her hips, and throw in a Twinkie.
Přečíst celý »No Revolving Doors
Q: What’s black, white and red all over and doesn’t fit through revolving doors? A: A nun with a spear through her head.
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