My wife’s birth control pills also prevent acne. Coincidentally when I was a teenager, acne was my form of birth control.
Přečíst celý »Jason Kuller: Penal Enlargement
I was actually thinking about getting penal enlargement surgery — thought I’d share that with everybody. But the surgery is dangerous, and it’s really expensive. But I found this great, safe alternative to penal enlargement surgery: the metric system.
Přečíst celý »Jason Kuller: Favorite Position
I should have known that my last relationship wasn’t gonna last because it’s not a good sign when your girlfriend’s favorite position in bed is the fetal position.
Přečíst celý »Janine DiTullio: Health Insurance Plan
I’m looking into a new health insurance plan. I thought, you know, I’m a woman, I should really ask if they cover abortions. Then I remembered I never have sex. So, if I do get pregnant, I’d probably want to have the baby Jesus.
Přečíst celý »Jane’s Dirty Mind
Jane was sitting in anatomy class on day when her teacher asked her a question. He inquired, “What grows to 10 times its original size when excited?” Jane blushed and said that she didn’t know. Jimmy raised his hand and said, “I know! The pupil of the eye.” The teacher …
Přečíst celý »James Johann: Like a Math Problem
Sex is like a math problem to me: I work real hard on it for a few minutes, and in the end, I get it all wrong, always leave a remainder.
Přečíst celý »James Johann: Girls Are Neat
I don’t think I could be gay. I just like girls too much. Man, girls are neat. I’m gonna get one, I think.
Přečíst celý »Jack Gallagher: Nursing Bras
You fellas seen these nursing bras? Cup opens right up. You got a snap on the cup: cup — poof — opens right up. Where have these been? I spent 16 years with my hand behind her back, ‘What is that a staple? A button? Little help?’
Přečíst celý »Jack Coen: Not the Same for Bill Clinton
When I was younger, if a girlfriend was bothering a president, the CIA killed her.
Přečíst celý »Jack Coen: Less Fight
When I was 22, I’d be like, ‘Shut up, man. I ain’t gay. Shut up. I’ll kill you, man. I’ll kill you.’ Now I’m like, ‘Oh, you think I’m 37? Fine, I’m a queer. Whatever. 35? I’m a little pink cowboy.’
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