Yo’ mama so ugly, she scares blind kids away.
Přečíst celý »Eliot Chang: That Stupid Friend
We all can agree, no matter what color you are, every group of friends has that one stupid friend. Look around you, you’ll find one. If you can’t find one, it’s you.
Přečíst celý »Yo mama’s So Stupid..Car
Yo’ mama so stupid, she sold her car for gas money.
Přečíst celý »Yo mama’s So Stupid…Wall
Yo’ mama so stupid, she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side.
Přečíst celý »Yo mama’s So Stupid…Peep Hole
Yo’ mama so stupid, she bought a glass door with a peephole.
Přečíst celý »Eddie Brill: Senator Kennedy
You can tell that he’s drunk. You know how? His name is Edward Kennedy, yet he calls himself Teddy. He’s so hammered, he thinks his name is Theodore.
Přečíst celý »Dwayne Perkins: Returning to Africa
For the white people, it would be like if you were going to Vermont.
Přečíst celý »Drunk Man vs. Snobby Woman
A man walks out of a bar totally hammered and runs into by a snobby woman. She takes one look at him and says, “You, sir, are drunk!” He retorts, “And you, ma’am, are ugly. But when I wake up, I will be sober!”
Přečíst celý »Drowning Lawyer
Q: How do you stop a lawyer from drowning?A: Shoot him before he hits the water.
Přečíst celý »Donations to the Preacher
After church service, a little boy tells his pastor that he is going to give him a lot of money when he grows up. “Well, thank you,” the pastor replies. “But why?” The little boy says, “Because my daddy says you’re one of the poorest preachers we’ve ever had!”
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