Friday , March 7 2025
Domů / ENGLISH JOKES (stránka 282)


The Vet Bill

A man rushes his limp dog to the veterinarian. The doctor pronounces the dog dead. The agitated man demands a second opinion.The vet goes into the back room and comes out with a cat. The cat sniffs the body and meows. The vet says, “I’m sorry, but the cat thinks …

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The Train, the Soldier and the Poodle

After World War II, an American soldier was going back to London from the front. He was on a very crowded train, and was looking for a seat, but the only empty one was next to an older lady, and she had her pet poodle on it. He said, “Please, …

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The Three Ugly Ducklings

One day in a small redneck town in the middle of nowhere sat a lonely bartender in an empty bar. As he was getting ready to close down, three ducks walked through the front doors. They waddled on over to the bar and grabbed a stool. The bartender walked over …

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The Three Little Pigs of North Jersey

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. The straw pig, the stick pig, and the brick pig. One day this nasty old wolf came up to the straw pigs house and said “I’m gonna huff and puff and blow your house down.” And he did!! So the straw …

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The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time, Three Little Pigs walk into a bar. The first pig orders 10 beers, downs them, and then asks for the bathroom. The second pig orders 15 beers, downs them, and asks for the bathroom. The third pig orders 20 beers, downs them, and then sits there …

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The Talented Parrot

At the pet shop, a man spots a parrot without any feet. The man leans in, “Hey buddy, how do you hang onto your perch without any feet?”“I wrap my little parrot penis around this wooden bar, kind of like a hook.”“Wow,” says the guy. “I can’t believe you’re so …

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